The most necessary tools in one place, convert files with just a few clicks.

Convert to GIF

GIF Kit allows users to convert any file to GIF format with ease. Currently GIF kit supports 11 file formats such as AVI, JPG, MKV, MOV, MP4, PDF, PNG, SVG, WebM, WebP and WMV. All you need to do is pick your desired file format and start uploading your files. After uploading the files, GIF Kit will start its magic and convert your files into GIF format. Once, it finishes converting all the files it will show a download button. You can click this button to download the GIF.

Convert from GIF to Other Formats

GIF Kit can also convert GIF files into other file formats such as BMP, JPG, MOV, MP4, PDF, PNG, WebM and WebP. For each file format, there is a separate uploading page that you can utilize. The conversion process is simple. First, upload the GIF File and as soon as you upload the file, GIF Kit will spawn a new background process to convert your GIF Files into your desired file format. Once it finishes the conversion you can download files one by one or altogether in a ZIP archive.

Compress GIF Animations

By using the GIF Kit tool, You can achieve high-quality GIF compression within a few clicks. All you need to do is go to GIF Compressor, drag and drop your GIF files or select them browsing your device. The GIF Kit Compressor will optimize the GIF getting rid of all the unnecessary pixels from the GIF and making it available for download.